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Passenger Rights in an Auto Accident

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2015 | Injuries, Traffic Violations |

As the passenger in an auto accident you have multiple options as to where you file your claim; depending on the circumstances of the accident you may file your claim with your own insurance, the insurance company of the vehicle you were occupying or the insurance company of any other vehicle at-fault in the accident. As a passenger you are not at fault in a car accident and may collect insurance even if the driver of the vehicle you were occupying was at-fault.

Following the accident, the insurance companies will begin an investigation of the accident and they will review police reports and interview the parties and witnesses.  You should not give any statement to the insurance companies until you have talked to an attorney.

Typically your own insurance company will cover your medical and other immediate bills through your PIP insurance or the PIP insurance of the vehicle you occupied. If your medical bills and needs supersede the amount your PIP insurance company provides, you may make a claim for excess compensation from the insurance company of the at-fault driver.

In order to receive full coverage for your loss it is essential that you do not sign any paperwork or have any discussions with any of the insurance companies until you have spoken with an experienced attorney. At Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC Attorney Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC and his team will handle your personal injury claim diligently and obtain compensation for your losses. Call 321-725-5638 to schedule your free consultation today, no strings attached.




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