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Man charged for DUI after driving 110 mph while naked

On Behalf of | Dec 18, 2015 | Drunk Driving |

On Dec. 5, Florida Highway Patrol troopers charged a man with DUI after the man was seen driving naked at 110 mph. The 33-year-old man was stopped in Collier County after authorities received reports that he was driving recklessly. A short time after the reports came in, a trooper saw the man driving a Cadillac on Alligator Alley with three female passengers.

According to the FHP trooper, the man who was charged with driving under the influence appeared to be traveling at speeds up to 110 mph. When the trooper used a radar to detect the vehicle’s speed, the radar registered 109 mph. The trooper then pulled the man over and allegedly discovered that he was completely naked and visibly intoxicated.

The trooper reported that the accused man had an open 12-pack of Corona in his car along with some empty beer bottles and a bottle of whiskey that was nearly empty. The accused man was allegedly found to have bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and a strong alcoholic odor. Authorities charged the man for DUI and driving without a valid driver’s license. Jail records show that the man posted $6,000 bond.

A person who is accused of drunk driving may be able to dispute the charges by arguing that the evidence is too circumstantial. If police allege that a driver appeared intoxicated and smelled like alcohol, a criminal defense attorney might argue that these assertions do not actually prove that the driver was intoxicated. An attorney may also dispute the results of a blood or breath test by pointing out that they are within a known margin of error.

Source: WPTV, “Noe DeJesus: Naked man caught driving 110 mph on Alligator Alley faces DUI charge,” Dec. 9, 2015



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