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Parents can help prevent teen drunk driving

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2016 | Drunk Driving |

Most parents in Florida do their best to protect their children. As kids get older, however, this can be more of a challenge because teenagers are often confronted with various temptations, including alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately, teens who are driving may not always make good choices regarding drinking and getting behind the wheel.

Recent research offers some positive news for parents. It turns out that one way to curb teen drinking is to set strict household rules about alcohol consumption. When parents are clear with their kids that drinking is forbidden until they are of legal age, kids are less likely to drink at home or at parties where alcohol is served.

Because the consequences of drinking while driving are so severe, parents may want to consider strict penalties for teens who use alcohol. Some options include revoking driving privileges, access to social media and participation in extracurricular activities.

It may also be helpful to impress upon young people the serious consequences of being caught driving under the influence or being in an accident. A driver may face criminal charges and jail time. These can affect a young person’s prospects for getting into college and even establishing a career. Drunk drivers who cause accidents may also be sued by their victims for large amounts of money. This could have an enormous impact on both the teen driver and his or her family.

Individuals who are dealing with the possibility of a drunk driving charge may benefit from speaking with an experienced criminal attorney. The lawyer may be able to review the case and develop strategies that might help the client navigate the legal system.



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