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What if I suffer a TBI due to a negligent driver?

On Behalf of | May 22, 2017 | Blog |

In the United States, about 1.7 million emergency room visits, hospitalizations and deaths take place each year due to traumatic brain injury. These types of injuries can easily happen as a result of a car accident caused by a negligent driver. This is particularly true if you and/or the other motor vehicle was traveling a fast speed.

Any type of trauma to your neck or head region can unfortunately cause your brain to swell, tear, bruise or bleed. This type of injury can have long-lasting repercussions that affect your daily life. Fortunately, if you have suffered a TBI, or traumatic brain injury, due to someone else’s carelessness, you have the right to take legal action in Florida.

Types of brain injuries

Two kinds of head injuries can occur in a motor vehicle accident: a closed and open injury. A closed injury does not involve the fracturing of the skull, unlike open injury, which does involve a fractured skull. A skull can fracture if it makes direct contact with an object or a surface that is hard.

Between the two types of injuries, a closed injury is actually more dangerous because the brain may swell, and threatening blood clots might form in the skull. Both types of injuries have the potential to cause paralysis and the loss of consciousness, as well as death.

What do I need to be looking out for?

Signs that you may be suffering from a brain injury include nausea or dizziness as well as a severe headache. You might also feel weak or numb on one of your body’s sides, or you may feel usually sluggish or tired. Being confused about and struggling to recall recent events are also warning signs of a potential TBI.

What are my legal options?

If you have suffered a TBI in an automobile accident, you have the right to file a personal injury claim against the motorist who reportedly caused your accident, seeking damages. A medical evaluation of how serious your impairment is can have a major impact on how much compensation you are ultimately awarded. Competent proof of negligence is necessary to establish liability in a manner that satisfies the civil court hearing your case in Florida.

If liability is established, then claims for damages will be determined. Monetary compensation in a successfully litigated case may help you to cover your past and future medical expenses, your loss of wages, and other losses resulting from your brain injury accident.



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