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Steps to take when you’re injured as a pedestrian

On Behalf of | Jun 27, 2017 | Blog |

You are taking a stroll on a seemingly normal day when all of a sudden, you see a car approaching you. You do not think much of it, as you assume that the driver will eventually turn the wheel and stay on the road. But that does not happen. The car suddenly strikes you, causing you to take a rapid tumble.

Pedestrian accidents in Florida can easily occur if the driver of a car fails to exercise caution behind the wheel. For instance, perhaps the driver was texting while driving. If you suffered serious injuries in a pedestrian accident, you have the right to take legal action.

When the accident happens

In the time following a pedestrian accident, one of the most important steps you can take is to write down all you can about the crash itself. This includes the injuries you suffered as well as any other losses incurred, including the loss of wages, as a result of the accident. You can also make notes regarding conversations that you had with other individuals at the accident scene.

Before leaving the crash scene, it may be helpful to preserve evidence indicating who was at fault in the accident as well as the type of damage that the accident caused. If you can find witnesses to the accident, this may help you to further prove your case.

Other post-accident steps

After being hurt in a pedestrian collision, you may want to notify anybody you think may be responsible for the crash and let him or her know that you intend to file a personal injury claim. This is especially critical if a government employee or agency is involved. Finally, getting in touch with a qualified attorney as soon as possible is paramount, as an attorney can evaluate your claim and help you to pursue it.

Legal process

Once you have suffered serious injuries in a pedestrian crash, you can file a personal injury claim, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. A preponderance of the evidence is necessary to establish liability before the civil court hearing your case in Florida. After you have established liability, the court will determine claims for damages. A monetary award in a successful case may help you to cover your medical bills and other losses stemming from the collision.



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