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Car accidents: Crash with school bus results in man’s death

On Behalf of | May 26, 2018 | Car Accidents |

It could be said that there are more distractions around us than ever before. The volume of traffic on the roads, radios, notification alerts or calls on cell phones and other roadside distractions can easily divert a driver’s attention off of the road. Unfortunately, a momentary diversion can result in horrific and tragic car accidents. Sadly, a recent collision with a Florida school bus has resulted in one man’s death and injuries to others.

Specific details of why the collision may have occurred are still being investigated by authorities. It is known that at some point, an SUV driver crossed a double yellow line into the path of a school bus. The 50-year-old driver’s vehicle crashed head-on with the bus.

Sadly, the SUV did not survive and was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. The school bus driver was injured as well as the three kids that were on the bus. All injuries are considered minor and the victims are expected to survive. Initial investigation indicates that alcohol was not a contributing factor.

In complicated car accidents such as this one, parents and injured victims may be unsure with how to proceed with insurance claims to cover necessary medical expenses. The estate of a deceased negligent driver may be responsible for resulting consequences. Florida personal injury attorneys can advise some victims to file insurance claims against their own insurance or the deceased victim’s insurance policy. Advice may also be given on the potential to file a personal injury lawsuit in civil court.

Source:, “Man killed in head-on collision with Leon County Schools bus”, Lanetra Bennett, May 21, 2018



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