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Florida family law attorneys available to advise through divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2018 | Family Law |

Marriages end for different reasons. Some marriages end for a host of small reasons that build up over the years, and others end due to some significant betrayal by one or both spouses. Whatever the cause, the National Center for Health Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau 2015 report indicates that divorces for couples that are 50 and older are on the rise. For some, the marriage may end on an amicable note, and others may not. Whatever the expectations may be for a divorce, it is wise for a spouse to seek the advice of a family law attorney in Florida.

Different couples and attorneys have reported different complex cases of divorce. Some report debt, scams and fraud as part of the demise of a relationship. One woman reported her divorce was to escape further financial ruin after discovering her husband was scamming her out of money. In the end, he scammed as much as $100,000 in less than a year, and she reported she was one of many victims. 

Other couples report infidelity and lies as reasons they pursued divorces or reasons their divorce became a more than expected complicated venture. An attorney reported that one couple began separation after increasing work travel kept them apart and mounting debt resulted in financial stress. After a forensic accountant examined all financial accounts, it was discovered that the husband had another girlfriend that was likely one of the reasons for extended stays away and the couple’s mounting expenses. The revelation resulted in a larger settlement for the wife than she would have received had the discovery not been made.

Divorce is painful no matter what age it occurs or how long someone has been married. No matter how amicable a divorce may be or how complicated, Florida family law attorneys can be of assistance throughout the process. At times, questions arise following a divorce finalization, and attorneys remain of assistance for any other needs that arise.



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