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Wrongful death: Son dies in car crash

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2018 | Wrongful Death |

No matter the age of a loved one, an unexpected death is difficult to cope with the aftermath. It is especially difficult to handle the loss when a deceased loved one may have still been young. When a premature death occurs as a result of the negligence of another individual, a family may choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Recently, a family suffered their own unexpected loss following a three-vehicle crash in Florida.

The family was traveling on a Florida interstate in a minivan when the accident occurred. Authorities believe that the crash resulted when another vehicle near them rear-ended a second vehicle.  The impact of the two vehicles resulted in the first vehicle crossing the path of the minivan and colliding with it. The minivan overturned across the guardrail into the opposite lanes of traffic.

Four out of five occupants in the minivan were injured, and some of the victims were related. The 22-year-old male victim suffered serious injuries and died; his parents were also injured. The conditions of other victims are unknown. The driver of the first vehicle and her passenger were also injured but are expected to survive. The investigation is still pending, but charges are expected to be filed in relation to the crash.

Family members of deceased victims often have multiple unanswered questions in the aftermath of a loved one’s unexpected death. Some families find comfort in being able to file a wrongful death lawsuit with the assistance of a Florida personal injury attorney. For some families, a lawsuit may generate closure, and in other circumstances, lawsuits may generate compensation to help fund unexpected medical and burial expenses, and other documented monetary losses.



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