Emergency personnel and law enforcement witness tragedies on a regular basis. Many of the tragedies likely occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents on Florida roadways. Sadly, a recent complicated multi-vehicle accident occurred and resulted in serious injuries and deaths.
The accident occurred as one vehicle attempted to merge onto the busy Florida turnpike. The details have not been completely released, but authorities believe the collision occurred when a merging vehicle crashed into other vehicles already traveling on the turnpike. One of the vehicles involved in the collision was a truck carrying fuel, and the fuel leaked from the truck. The impact of the collision propelled some of the vehicles into the opposite lanes of traffic.
Ten victims were injured. Two of the victims were able to be treated on the scene, but six other victims required a transport to a medical center for further care. Sadly, two of the victims did not survive and were declared dead at the scene of the crash. Traffic traveling in both directions on the turnpike had to be closed for hours as the accident was investigated and cleared, and a hazardous materials team cleaned up the fuel from the truck.
In complicated motor vehicle accidents such as this one, it is often difficult to understand how victims and families of deceased victims should process the aftermath. Florida personal injury attorneys understand how to help victims process claims with insurance companies. Depending on the circumstances, attorneys may inform victims of their option to file a lawsuit in civil court for expenses beyond what insurance may cover.