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Fatal Florida motor vehicle accident under investigation

On Behalf of | May 4, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Fatal car crashes often leave behind more questions than answers. The families of the victims may struggle to understand exactly what occurred and whether anything could have prevented the tragedy. They have to rely on the investigative abilities of law enforcement to determine what happened. This may be what one Florida family is enduring after a 29-year-old man lost his life in a motor vehicle accident with his passenger truck and two semitrucks.

Officials say that the accident happened on a recent morning when the 29-year-old man was driving his truck northbound and had to slow down for an unknown reason. His pickup was allegedly struck from behind by a semitruck heading in the same direction. Authorities report that the driver claimed he didn’t see the pickup truck.

The collision apparently caused the pickup to spin into the southbound lane where it was struck by another semitruck and caught fire. Authorities had to shut down the roadway for several hours while they handled the incident. The accident is still being investigated and, so far, no criminal charges have been filed.

Even if Florida officials decide not to pursue criminal charges in this motor vehicle accident, the family of the man who died may decide to file a civil claim. A successfully-litigated wrongful death claim could result in monetary damages that may be used to cover any outstanding medical costs, funeral expenses and/or lost income due to the man’s death. An experienced personal injury attorney could answer questions for those who find themselves in a similar situation.



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