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Bicycle accident is intersection’s second fatality in a month

On Behalf of | May 3, 2020 | Bicycle/Pedestrian Accidents |

In many areas of the country, people are just starting to go outside and enjoy spring weather. The warmer climate here in Florida means that people have more opportunity to get outside on their bikes or as pedestrians, which can have significant benefits to both physical and mental health. Unfortunately, there is significant risk to bicyclists and pedestrians who travel near motor vehicle traffic. A recent bicycle accident that took a person’s life is the second fatal pedestrian accident to happen at that particular intersection in less than a month. 

Police report that the crash happened on a recent evening at an intersection in front of Florida State College in Jacksonville. A cyclist was traveling west when the bike was apparently struck by a car heading in the same direction. Authorities claim that the driver was an 83-year-old man. It is unclear whether the cyclist received any medical treatment before dying from his injuries. 

Local records show that the same intersection was the site of another fatal accident involving a pedestrian. A man died from a hit-and-run collision less than a month before this incident. In regard to this most recent tragedy, officials did not immediately release the identity of the victim as they had not yet notified the family. They also have not announced intentions to file criminal charges against the driver, though they have stated that their investigation is ongoing and they have not ruled out the possibility. 

After police have conducted their investigation of the bicycle accident, they may decide against filing criminal charges against the driver. However, this doesn’t mean that the victim’s family has no recourse for justice. Those in a similar situation here in Florida could file a wrongful death claim against any responsible parties. An attorney with knowledge of this area of the law can advise a grieving family of their available options.



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