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Man charged with 9th DUI, other offenses

On Behalf of | Jul 26, 2020 | DUI/DWI |

Being arrested for a crime can change a person’s life forever, though many people don’t always realize this. Some even assume that nonviolent crimes can’t have serious consequences, even when the person repeatedly commits the offense. The truth is that the judicial system pursues conviction for nonviolent crimes, such as driving under the influence, just as doggedly as any other crime. This is particularly the case for people who have multiple DUI arrests, as one Florida man, charged with his ninth DUI, may soon discover.

According to police, they received a call about a possible drunk driver in a truck on local roads. The witness allegedly followed the truck and police arrived to pull it over. Officers claimed that the man driving seemed intoxicated, and that he refused to take a field sobriety test, Breathalyzer or have his blood drawn. 

The man was arrested and charged with DUI, which officers say is his ninth. He was also charged for driving with a license suspended or revoked and refusal to submit to testing. He has prior arrests for both of those offenses as well. Each time, his punishment has been more and more severe than the last. He has served multiple prison sentences and allegedly violated his parole multiple times.

Though this case is unusual, it shows just what kind of an effect multiple DUI arrests can have on a person’s life. Someone convicted of intoxicated driving could serve time in prison, have to pay fines and have his or her driver’s license revoked. This isn’t even to mention the consequences that a DUI conviction can have on a person’s personal life, as these arrest can make it difficult to obtain employment or apply for a loan. Anyone here in Florida facing DUI charges has options for criminal defense, including using an attorney with experience defending these types of cases.



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