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Making child support payments online

On Behalf of | Jan 24, 2022 | Blog, Family Law |

If you need to pay child support and do not have an income withholding order in place (or it has not taken effect yet), it is important to understand the different options you have. Finding the most convenient and practical child support method can help you stay caught up and avoid the harsh consequences associated with delinquency.

In fact, you can make child support payments online, but there are a number of issues you need to take into consideration, such as processing times and fees.

Paying child support online with a credit card or e-check

According to the Florida Department of Revenue, you can use a number of different credit cards to pay child support online and you can also pay support with electronic checks. Depending on the platform you choose, it could take up to four or five business days for the state to process payments via electronic check, while it can take two or three business days for credit card payments to go through.

You should also realize that you may have to pay fees when making child support payments online.

Other ways to pay child support

In addition to paying online, there are other ways you can make child support payments. You can mail a payment to the state. If you mail a payment, make sure you carefully fill out all information correctly, such as the case number, and mail the payment to the correct address. You can also pay support with cash by using a money transfer service.

Regardless of the way you decide to pay child support, make sure you stay current.



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