Respected Attorneys Who Are Ready To Go To Court If Negotiations Do Not Go Your Way

Melbourne Prescription Drug Possession Defense Lawyers

Most people do not realize that the penalties for possessing illegal prescription drugs are just as serious as the penalties for possessing heroin, meth and cocaine. They also do not realize that carrying these medicines unlabeled, even when they are legally prescribed, can result in arrest just like other illegal substances.

Many illegal prescription pill addictions start with a chronic pain syndrome. They get hooked on the pills, which were prescribed legally, and then they search the market for more. The government, waging its war on drugs, cracks down hard on physicians who prescribe narcotics, as well as patients who get trapped by addiction.

What People Addicted to Illegal Prescription Pills Do:

  • They “doctor shop,” to get new prescriptions.
  • They steal other people’s prescriptions.
  • They alter or forge prescriptions.
  • They obtain the pills illegally online or on the street.

We are also skilled in defending clients when they are arrested for possessing any of the synthetic drugs that are on the market now:

  • Spice
  • Synthetic heroin
  • “Bath salts”
  • Salvia
  • Ecstasy
  • Bute
  • PCP
  • Steroids

Many out-of-state people get into trouble for possession without a prescription while they are visiting Florida. Our firm can help you through your case by acting as your proxy here.

When you need experienced, reliable representation for possession of prescription drugs, contact Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC by email or call our lawyers at our Melbourne, Florida, offices at 321-725-5638, toll free at 844-585-0202.