Melbourne Expungement Attorneys

People who have been charged with a crime but not convicted, or who have a clean criminal record despite a one-time arrest, may have the option of having their criminal records expunged or sealed.

Every arrest and conviction begins as a public record. Sealed means that only authorized governmental entities have access to it. Expunged means authorized governmental entities may access your information only with a court order. Once your arrest is expunged, you can in most instances state under oath that you were not charged with a crime.

Two separate statutes govern record sealing and expungement. Both rules state that you do not qualify if you have previously been adjudicated guilty of a crime. These rules apply to criminal records of adults. Rules for juvenile arrests are different, and generally more lenient.

Not every arrest or conviction is expungeable. Talk to the attorneys at Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC to determine your eligibility for expunction or expungement.

It is a good idea to request that your record be sealed sooner rather than later, to prevent your records from being seen by banks, lenders, employers, admissions offices and others.

Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC is experienced in the complexities of Florida expungement law. Our lawyers have helped many individuals and families feel more secure about the consequences of a single bad day.

Mistakes should not haunt you all your life. To have your permanent records sealed or expunged, contact Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC in Melbourne by email or call us at 321-725-5638, toll free at 844-585-0202.

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Simply the BEST representation available in Brevard County
~ Carol

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Expert, Professional, Courteous, and above all else…Relentless
~ Wendell

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An attorney who will fight for you.
~ Jacqueline

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By far the Best Around
~ Jamie