Respected Attorneys Who Are Ready To Go To Court If Negotiations Do Not Go Your Way

Is The Insurance Company Treating Me Fairly?

When you are trying to secure payment from your insurer on a personal injury or property damage claim, you may wonder whether the insurance company is handling your claim properly. At Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC, we help people understand their rights, develop the strongest claims possible and ensure they receive fair treatment from their insurers.

The Other Side Has Experienced Lawyers. You Should, Too.

You have likely seen many commercials for insurance carriers — the ones that are filled with friendly adjusters who are just trying to help you save money. These ads may be effective, but they don’t tell the whole truth about insurance companies.

An insurer is a business and, like all other businesses, its goal is to maximize profits. They don’t do that by paying out every claim. They do it by minimizing payouts in relation to the premiums they charge. Before the insurance representative reaches out to you at all, he or she has already spoken with the company’s attorneys, who are working to pay you as little as possible.

Insurance adjusters and their lawyers do this every single day. They know what things to look for to undermine your claim. Fortunately, we handle insurance disputes on a daily basis, too. We will communicate with the insurer so you don’t have to.

Let Us Be Your Advocates With the Insurance Company

We hope that your insurance company does the right thing and pays a reasonable amount for your claim. But if they don’t, we are ready to help. If you encounter any resistance from your insurer or have concerns about getting the compensation you need, we urge you to contact us for a free initial consultation. Please call our personal injury attorneys in Melbourne, Florida, at 321-725-5638 or 844-585-0202 toll free.