Respected Attorneys Who Are Ready To Go To Court If Negotiations Do Not Go Your Way

Melbourne Child Support Lawyers

All Florida parents are required to support their minor or dependent children financially. Child support decisions are made using set child support guidelines. These guidelines factor in a number of basic variables:

  • The monthly income of both parents
  • Deductions allowed by law
  • The cost of child care
  • The cost of health insurance for the children

The calculations also take into consideration the number of overnights the children spend with each parent. If both parents have more than 20 percent of the overnights the child support may decrease depending on each party’s incomes. Although a parent can ask for decreased or increased child support, the court will likely follow the guidelines in determining child support. If you have other children to support or other court-ordered child support obligations, this should also be taken into consideration and may reduce the amount of child support you are ordered to pay.

Child Support Calculations Are Complex

Trust our lawyers to draw on their knowledge and experience to determine child support consistent with the Florida Child Support Guidelines. We will determine the accurate amount you should pay or receive. Further, if a parent does not have steady income, owns his or her own business or receives monies from other sources, this will make the child support calculation more difficult and will also make agreements less likely if the parties cannot agree on the income amounts utilized to calculate child support. Parties are free to agree on child support above or below the guidelines amount.

In addition to establishing child support initially, Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC can also fashion agreements that will further protect you in the event one of the parents experience a significant change of circumstances wherein they are unable to pay the court-ordered child support.

Contact us by email or call our attorneys at our Melbourne offices at 321-725-5638, toll free at 844-585-0202. Our goal is a fair solution for your child.