Respected Attorneys Who Are Ready To Go To Court If Negotiations Do Not Go Your Way

Melbourne Unmarried Fathers’ Rights Lawyers

Signing your child’s birth certificate does not establish a father’s rights to the child or give the father visitation rights. A mother has all rights to the child until a court order is signed giving the father rights. Under certain circumstances, a mother can put a child up for adoption without the father’s consent. She can also contact the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) to enforce child support without giving you timesharing rights.

If you’re a father who wants to be involved in your child’s life, you may need to work with a father’s rights attorney. At Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC, we represent fathers throughout Melbourne and Brevard County who wish to fight for their rights to their children.

Obtaining Child Custody And Visitation Rights

Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC has helped many men in and around Brevard County to obtain legal rights to their children. If you are a father or a potential father, you need to know your rights and obligations.

New Florida laws went into effect in 2023 that have made it easier for unwed fathers to establish paternity. The new law grants unmarried fathers equal rights and responsibilities, including a 50/50 split in decision-making for the child’s medical needs, education and other significant matters. Now, once a father establishes paternity, they are able to enjoy full parental rights.

Depending on your circumstances, the new law can support or hinder your case. If you’re interested in being involved in your child’s life, the new law has made it easier for you to do so. We represent fathers who wish to seek custody or visitation rights and establishing paternity is often the first step. From there, we can assist you in custody and time sharing matters so you’re able to build a strong relationship with your child.

However, we also represent men who do not believe they are the father and do not wish to assume responsibility for a child who is not their own. You need to know that you’re entitled to get DNA testing before being legally obligated to provide support for a child.

The father’s rights lawyers at Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC are ready to help you establish your rights as a father or disestablish paternity if you are not the father. Once your rights are established by the court you are no longer at the mercy of your ex to spend time with your child as she dictates. We will do everything to help you establish a meaningful relationship with your child or defend you against false allegations of paternity. Working with experienced and professional family law attorneys is the key to a successful outcome in court proceedings.

Call Our Father’s Rights Attorneys Today

Strengthen your rights as a father by establishing paternity. Call Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC in Melbourne, Florida, at 321-725-5638, toll-free at 844-585-0202. Or email us a brief description of your problem.