Melbourne Visitation Attorneys
Florida avoids the terms child custody and visitation today, preferring less prejudicial phrases like parenting plans and time sharing. In addition to this change in terminology, fathers and mothers are seen more equally by the courts. Rather than giving primary custody to the mother, as often occurred in the past, the courts now seek to ensure that both parents are significantly involved in the child’s life.
Parenting Plans
Divorcing parents are wise to fashion a parenting plan that meets their unique needs, rather than letting the court determine critical custody issues. The two parents are generally better equipped to arrive at a solution that takes the child’s best interests to heart, than a judge. The lawyers at Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC, of Melbourne, Florida, can help you fashion a solution that will be best for your family.
When both parents agree, sole parental responsibility plans, in which one parent handles all major decisions, can emerge from these discussions. More often, couples construct a shared parental responsibility plan, in which both parents participate fully in the child’s life.
Time-Sharing Plans
Parents do not have to be married to be entitled to visitation. Our lawyers can help you create a time-sharing plan that meets your needs as well as the best interest of the child.
A time-sharing schedule specifies how much time a minor child spends with each parent. Parenting plans take into consideration issues such as time sharing, holiday time, first right to care for the child, extracurricular activities, vacations, school designations, relocating restrictions and other matters.
While equal time sharing of children is now considered the norm among courts, the judge must still consider the child’s best interest in determining time-sharing/custody matters. Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC can help you prove before the court what is best for your child and fight for a time-sharing/custody/parenting plan that will consider the individual needs of your children and your unique circumstances.
Contact the family law attorneys at Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC by email or call us at 321-725-5638, toll free at 844-585-0202. We know how important this issue is. Children need to be with those who love them.