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Personal Injury Protection Insurance

On Behalf of | Jun 10, 2015 | Uncategorized |

Florida is among one of the twelve states plus Puerto Rico to have Personal Injury Protection (no fault or PIP) auto insurance. According to the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation the mandatory PIP insurance law was passed with intentions to expedite the process of paying injured driver’s medical bills. With PIP insurance injured drivers are able to access $10,000 in immediate medical coverage rather than taking the case to court and only receiving payment after fault was established. In addition, this law will help reduce the number of cases waiting for their trial in the Florida Court System.

Many complain that PIP coverage causes insurance rates to skyrocket and increases the amount of insurance fraud. According to a report  completed in January of 2014 reforms in Florida’s PIP coverage law have caused an average drop in PIP rates of 13.2%. Unfortunately, PIP coverage reflects only a small portion of auto insurance and this only decreases overall auto insurance rates by 1.2%.

Navigating through confusing auto insurance coverage plans and contracts can lead to a misunderstanding and leave the insured party taken advantage of by the insurance company. In order to avoid this and get the coverage you need retain Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC as your attorney and we will handle the negotiating for you, giving you the justice you deserve while allowing you to focus on healing rather than battling with your insurance company over the amount you deserve. Call our office at (321) 72-LEGAL (321-725-5638) to schedule your free consultation and discuss your personal injury claim today.



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