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Hit and Run Accidents

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2016 | Criminal Defense, Injuries, Traffic Violations |

  • The driver is always required to stop either at the scene of the accident or, if that is not safe, as close as safely possible.
  • If the accident results in bodily or property damage each driver is required to provide the other drivers with their name, address, and the registration number of their vehicle. They must also provide their license to the other drivers if asked. Additionally, if someone was injured in the crash the others involved must provide him or her with reasonable assistance in traveling to medical assistance.
  • In the event that there is no other driver available to give the above-mentioned information to, then this information must be given to the nearest police officer.
  • Anyone involved in an accident with property where the owner is not present, they must leave a note, securely and in plain sight with the driver’s contact information. The driver must also notify the nearest police officer or law enforcement agency of the crash.

What are the possible penalties of a hit and run conviction?

  • Possible penalties for leaving the scene of an accident depends on whether the accident caused no harm, property harm, bodily harm or fatality and the intent of the driver who left.
  • If the accident caused bodily injury penalties may include large monetary fines, a felony conviction, and possible prison time.
  • If the accident resulted in property damage penalties may include a misdemeanor conviction, a monetary fine, and jail time

Retaining an experienced attorney is essential in any auto accident and personal injury case, especially one involving a hit and run accident. The attorneys at Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC are fluent in both criminal and personal injury law and are prepared to diligently and professionally handle your unique case. Whether you are dealing with insurance companies, criminal charges, or both, Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC is here and ready to help. Call 321-725-5638 to schedule your free consultation.

Source:Florida Statues Chapter 316



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