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Co-Parenting During the Holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 14, 2016 | Family Law |

The Holidays are a time for Thanksgiving stuffing, Christmas cheer, and New Years Resolutions. However for some families stressing about child pick up and drop off, visitation days, and holiday time-sharing can put a damper on any holiday cheer. Below are some tips for successfully co-parenting the holidays from the experienced family law attorneys at Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC.


Be flexible.

Be flexible with your co-parent. If they have family in town, try to coordinate and make sure your child gets quality time with their entire family. Be willing to trade days if your co-parent gets called in for a holiday shift at work. Think about how devastated you would feel if something came up and a time-sharing schedule prevented you from spending time with your child during the holidays. Think of the courtesies you would want your co-parent to extend, and then extend them the courtesies you would like.


Make travel plans in advance.

This is especially important if your time-sharing schedule is not divided into halves for the holiday break. Let your co-parent know your holiday plans in advance so that everyone can coordinate. Imagine if your child had to miss visiting with their grandparent’s because you booked a non-refundable ski vacation without giving your co-parent any warning.


Make a plan.

Especially if transitions are difficult for you and your co-parent, making a plan is essential. Talk about what time, place and how the transitions should go down. Do you want to wait in the car? Walk in and wish your co-parent’s family a happy holiday? Know what to expect before the transition starts.


Coordinate holiday gifts.

Let your co-parent know what you’re getting your children. If one child wants a large gift don’t be afraid to split it with your co-parent and give them the gift together. Divide and conquer your child’s wish list. There is never a time and never a place to compete for the best present. 

As always, if you need any help with your family law matter, call Platt Cole Russell & Simpson PLLC at 321-725-5638 to schedule your free consultation.



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