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Motorcycle accidents: Man killed in collison with car

On Behalf of | May 2, 2018 | Motorcycle Accidents |

Although Florida weather is almost perfect year-round for motorcycle riding, springtime is hard to beat. The sweltering heat has not yet arrived, and any coolness from the winter is long gone. As riders increasingly use a bike to travel versus another vehicle, the opportunities for motorcycle accidents also increase. One recent accident resulted in serious injuries and one rider’s death.

Both vehicles were traveling early in the evening when the accident occurred. A 32-year-old man was operating a motorcycle and was struck by a small car driven by a 65-year-old female. Authorities believe that the woman pulled out in front of the motorcycle, resulting in the collision. The woman will likely face charges for her involvement in the collision.

Reportedly, the car pulled out too close to the motorcycle, resulting in insufficient time to slow the motorcycle down. He crashed into the passenger side door, and he was ejected off of the bike. The impact also resulted in the car flipping over. Although the rider was wearing a helmet, his injuries were too severe to survive. Authorities do not believe that the woman driving the car was wearing her seat belt, and she suffered serious injuries as well.

Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries and even fatalities. Injuries can be life-altering and may result in expensive medical bills and shorten a victim’s life altogether. Victims, including family members of deceased victims, may find some comfort after speaking to a personal injury attorney in Florida to understand the options for legal recourse. 

Source:, “One dead, one critically injured in Gadsden County motorcycle crash“, April 29, 2018



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