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Woman smiles after drunk driving arrest that killed a mother

On Behalf of | May 18, 2018 | DUI/DWI |

When arrested, some people are not aware that every word and action is being observed and evaluated by authorities. Because they are not aware of the impact their actions or words may have on their case, damage to a defense case can easily occur. Florida criminal defense attorneys can advise clients even in the earliest stages of an arrest of the best approach to questions by authorities. One woman’s recent mugshot following her drunk driving arrest has outraged a deceased victim’s family and many in the community.

The 44-year-old woman was driving late at night when she crashed her vehicle. She claims that she dropped her phone and, in the process of trying to pick it up, she failed to stop her vehicle in time. She rear-ended another vehicle which then caused a third crash with a tractor-trailer, resulting in the death of a 60-year-old mother in the other vehicle. The driver at fault was not able to pass field sobriety tests and allegedly smelled of alcohol. Tests later revealed that her blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit.

Following the accident, the victim was paralyzed and brain dead. Sadly, she died within days of the accident. The woman was arrested for traffic violations and smiled for her mugshot. Once her mugshot was released to the public, the deceased woman’s family members and the public became outraged at her apparent cheeriness in the aftermath of the fatal crash.

Individuals who have been arrested for drunk driving will likely encourage others to secure an experienced attorney as soon as an arrest is made. Handling criminal charges appropriately is important at every stage. Florida criminal attorneys have handled many cases and are prepared for all aspects of a criminal case.

Source:, “Florida woman smiles in mugshot after DUI crash that killed mother, officials say”, Katherine Lam, May 17, 2018



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