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Despite DUI arrest, man sings song in cop car

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2018 | DUI/DWI |

Sometimes, small traffic violations can result in more serious criminal charges if pulled over by authorities. In what appeared to be a minor traffic violation for one Florida man, it resulted in an arrest and car ride with cops. He will soon face charges for a DUI.

Because it appeared as if the man was not wearing a seatbelt, a patrol car pulled the man over. Once officers talked to the man, it smelled as if he had been consuming alcohol. In addition, the man had unopened cans of beer in his truck as well as empty cans in the back of his truck. Later, he tested to have a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit.

Although he was arrested, officers reported that the man appeared to be in a good mood. He allegedly requested for music in the car, but officers denied his request. Without radio tunes, the man decided to make his own music. He allegedly sang “Don’t Stop Believin'” by the popular 1980’s band, Journey. The man was able to post his $1,000 bail and return to home.

Although this Florida man made a DUI arrest appear to be a fun singing opportunity, most do not find it to be a pleasant experience. In addition, an arrest can result in serious consequences if a conviction is made. Some may simply pay fines or suffer a license suspension. Others could spend time in jail. Whatever the outcome following a DUI arrest, most people find it in their best interest to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to help understand the charges they face.



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