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Can you help your kids cope through a high asset divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 25, 2018 | High-Asset Divorce |

Divorce is painful, emotional and disruptive to the lives of a couple and all involved family members. Florida couples processing a high asset divorce are likely to be concerned about how their children will be affected throughout the proceedings and thereafter. One expert, Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, has written a book on how to teach kids skills to help them to be resilient in difficult life circumstances. A divorce would certainly qualify as a difficult life circumstance where children will need coping mechanisms.

Dr. Ginsburg highly recommends that all children facing these circumstances be reminded and reassured that they are not the reason for a divorce. It is often easy for children to assume that they might have worsened or helped circumstances with different behaviors or attitudes. In addition, consistency and routine can help children maintain a stable environment when other changes beyond their control are occurring around them.

Sometimes following a divorce, parents are not able to maintain a living situation that is near their children, but Dr. Ginsburg recommends creating unique opportunities to share life together. Some parents report that they may watch movies, sporting events or read the same book to discuss later on the phone to remain in contact when they cannot be physically present. In Dr. Ginsburg’s book, he further explains that there are multiple life skills such as competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control that can help a child cope with divorce. 

Florida family attorneys are aware of the stress and emotion that a high asset divorce may have on an individual and all involved family members. Attorneys can help a client understand his or her options for custody, child support and living arrangements that meet the desires of the client as well as the best interests of the children. Attorneys remain a resource as needed when custody or child support arrangements need to be modified or changed. 



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