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4 key electric scooter safety tips

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2020 | Injuries |

Electric scooters are a fun way to get around the coastal areas of Brevard county. E-scooters may seem like a relatively carefree mode of transportation, but you need to be conscientious about safety. An e-scooter accident could result in a serious injury. 

If you are a relatively new e-scooter rider, you should take some time to review some safety important information. Familiarize yourself with a few basics about protective gear, speed control, and accident prevention. Here are four key tips to keep in mind about staying safe on the road. 

1. Wear a helmet

An e-scooter can travel just as fast or even faster than a bicycle. Wearing a helmet can spare you from a potentially serious injury if you fall off your scooter while it is motion. 

2. Do not ride on the sidewalk

You cannot operate an e-scooter on an area that does not permit bicycles, such as a sidewalk. Use your e-scooter only on the road. 

3. Remember that pedestrians cannot hear you

Unlike traditional scooters or mopeds, e-scooters do not have an engine that makes noise. To avoid a collision, be sure to keep an eye out for pedestrians. Use a bell or horn to alert people of your presence. 

4. Moderate your speed

It is easy to lose track of how fast you are going, particularly if you are using an e-scooter that does not display your speed. Avoid going at full speed, and slow down when you move onto a new surface or make a turn. 



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