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Riding a scooter could place individuals at risk for brain injury

On Behalf of | Oct 27, 2018 | Brain Injury |

Dockless rechargeable electric scooters are appearing in Florida cities and across the country, including multiple cities in Florida. Individuals have the ability to rent available scooters to assist in a commute around town through the use of a smartphone app. It is expected that scooter riders will experience risks similar to what bicycle riders and pedestrians may face when sharing the road with motor vehicles. Riders may be subject to brain injury, bodily injury and/or death if struck by a vehicle.

Scooters were introduced in Miami  by two different companies earlier this year. The scooters were withdrawn several months after city attorneys issued cease and desist letters. In a recent close vote, the Miami City Council has allowed scooters back on city streets with policies in place to help manage the new ride-sharing program. 

Scooter riders will often use the same roads as large motor vehicles.  If a motor vehicle operator negligently collides with a scooter rider, the rider has the same legal rights as a pedestrian or bicycle rider. In cases where negligence is suspected, an attorney may be able to assist a rider with pursuing compensation for injuries and medical expenses through a personal injury lawsuit.

Some individuals may be overwhelmed with filing a lawsuit in a Florida civil court. For many individuals, it is the right avenue to seek recourse because it may offer hope in a difficult situation. Because helmets are not required for scooter riding and often not available, riders are at risk for serious brain injuries. A brain injury can result in crippling financial stress, unending medical care and permanent disability. A consultation with a personal injury attorney is a good place to start when considering the available options for legal recourse.



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