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Why are large truck crashes so complicated?

On Behalf of | Apr 25, 2022 | Truck Accidents |

There is no question that complications surface in a crash involving an 18-wheel truck. Why? The incident may involve a number of players, ranging from the truck driver and trucking company to the manufacturer. And do not forget the liability issues.

One matter that can never get overlooked is the serious and even fatal injuries to drivers and passengers of vehicles that have the misfortune of encountering a large truck. A total of 241 of the estimated 350 people killed in large truck accidents in Florida in 2019 were occupants of other vehicles, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Assortment of injuries and parties involved

Here are some of the reasons why crashes that involve large trucks remain so complex:

  • Significant injuries and damages: Drivers who encounter large trucks in collisions likely will sustain much more serious injuries, which could prove life-changing and fatal. Traumatic brain injury, paralysis and lost limbs are possible. Even the slightest crash can lead to lengthy medical treatment.
  • The number of vehicles involved: Such a crash often does not merely include the large truck and one vehicle. A toppled truck can skid on the roadway, and spill its cargo, leading to several vehicles sustaining damage. Potentially, several more drivers and their passengers get hurt. These situations prove challenging for accident investigators seeking to determine fault.
  • Many parties may be responsible for negligence: Whose actions led to the crash? Among the existing candidates include the truck driver, the trucking carrier, the truck manufacturer, the truck maintenance firm and the freight company.
  • The assortment of laws in the trucking industry: The numerous regulations complicate matters further. Such laws pertain to factors such as a driver’s qualifications and the need for regular vehicle inspections.

Understand that a web of complexities often emerges after a large truck crash.

Perseverance and resolution

It may take time a great amount of time and perseverance to complete an investigation after a large truck crash. Make sure to understand this as well as the need to enlist the guidance of a skilled legal advocate. You want to make sure that this incident receives a proper resolution.



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